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Search Historical Legislation


​Botswana historical legislation, including those enacted pre-independence and post-independence, is listed on the Botswana e-Laws website.  Historical legislation can be searched and downloaded in PDF format from the e-Laws website.

Who is eligible?


How do I get this service?

To retrieve a listing of historical legislation, conduct a search and download PDF copies of the legislation, visit the Botswana e-Laws website and click on the historical legislation tab. 
Botswana e-Laws web address: www.elaws.g​​​

How long will this service take?


How much does it cost?

No cost 

Where can I get more information on this Service

Attorney General's Chambers 
Private Bag 009 
Tel. (+267) 361-3928 
Fax. (+267) 393-0261 
Email. kjmarumo [at]  
Opening hours: 07:30 to 12:45 and 13:45 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, except public holidays 


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